Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A Time and a Season

So during the day I have so many great ideas of things I could blog about and then I sit down and I got nothing. It's probably just one liners...like does anyone else hurt themselves trying to scrape cement cheerios off the kitchen table that have been sitting in dried milk for a few days? Does anyone else have children who say "I wish Heavenly Father didn't create toots" and who loves to rhyme everything with the letters b and d..."Kitchen....Bitchen", "ham...dam", "lick...*ick" and so on. I love my kids. I need to remember that while these years are exhausting...they are wonderful and hilarious and spontaneous (and stinky and tired and does anyone else feel like every service in their house has had pee on it at some point?) I was just venting to a friend about not having a great body and not being able to do a lot of things I see other moms do and she said something that I'll have to repeat to myself whenever I am feeling stretched. "Time and a season." One day I will be able to shower daily, buy nicer clothes that won't get bodily fluids on it with every wear, go running even after my husband has left for work. You know, after writing everything down...I feel a little silly about the things I let myself get stressed about. First world problems. My children are healthy and happy (most of the time), I have an amazing husband who supports me in anything I want to do, and even though I hate it sometimes, I really do love being a mom. I love seeing my 6 year old learn to read better everyday and getting excited about it. I love how my 4 year old loves to help me make cookies. I love how my 2 year old dances whenever he hears music. I love that my 3 month old smiles and coos whenever you look at him. Life is good and there is a time and a season for everything.

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